Showing 51 - 75 of 131 Results
Neuestes Mineral-system Von Andre by Werner, Abraham Gottlob, Ab... ISBN: 9781342999375 List Price: $19.95
Abraham Gottlob Werner's Letztes Mineralsystem : Aus Dessen Nachlasse Auf Oberbergamtliche A... by Werner, Abraham Gottlob ISBN: 9781295608713 List Price: $24.75
A Treatise On the External Characters of Fossils - Primary Source Edition by Abraham Gottlob Werner, Tho... ISBN: 9781294259206 List Price: $46.75
Werner's Nomenclature of Colours by Werner, Abraham Gottlob 174... ISBN: 9781363154883 List Price: $10.95
Werner's Nomenclature of Colours : With Additions, Arranged So As to Render It Highly Useful... by Werner, Abraham Gottlob 174... ISBN: 9781363154906 List Price: $21.95
New Theory of the Formation of Veins: With Its Application to the Art of Working Mines (Clas... by Werner, Abraham Gottlob, Ab... ISBN: 9781334477867 List Price: $13.57
Werner's Nomenclature of Colours: With Additions, Arranged So As to Render It Highly Useful ... by Abraham Gottlob Werner, Pat... ISBN: 9781295970285 List Price: $16.75
Lebensbeschreibung Abraham Gottlob Werners... by Frisch, Samuel Gottlob, Chr... ISBN: 9781273156199 List Price: $29.75
Ausfhrliches Und Systematisches Verzeichnis Des Mineralien-kabinets Des Weiland Kurfrstlich ... by Abraham Gottlob Werner ISBN: 9781246891195 List Price: $34.75
Ausfuhrliches und Systematisches Verzeichnis des Mineralien-Kabinets by Werner, Abraham Gottlob ISBN: 9781165991044 List Price: $39.96
Neue Theorie Von Der Entstehung Der Gnge: Mit Anwendung Auf Den Bergbau, Besonders Den Freib... by Abraham Gottlob Werner ISBN: 9781273733109 List Price: $29.75
Treatise on the External Character of Minerals by Jameson, Robert, Abraham Go... ISBN: 9781340860639 List Price: $22.95
New Theory of the Formation of Veins : With Its Application to the Art of Working Mines by Werner, Abraham Gottlob, An... ISBN: 9781341259777 List Price: $26.95
Werner's Nomenclature of Colours : With Additions, Arranged So As to Render It Highly Useful... by Werner, Abraham Gottlob, Sy... ISBN: 9781293828960 List Price: $17.75
Treatise on the External Characters of Fossils by Werner, Abraham Gottlob, We... ISBN: 9781345186697 List Price: $31.95
Werner's Nomenclature of Colours, : With Additions, Arranged So As to Render It Highly Usefu... by Werner, Abraham Gottlob ISBN: 9780371367650 List Price: $8.95
Von Den �usserlichen Kennzeichen der Fossilien... by Werner, Abraham Gottlob ISBN: 9781012428976 List Price: $31.95
Von Den �usserlichen Kennzeichen der Fossilien... by Werner, Abraham Gottlob ISBN: 9781012428969 List Price: $22.95
Versuch Einer Mineralogie; Volume 1 by Cronstedt, Axel F., Abraham... ISBN: 9781012485733 List Price: $26.95
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